
Car Eats Car: Sea Adventure

Car Eats Car: Sea Adventure
Car Eats Car: Sea Adventure

Prepare to get wet through a variety of levels in Car Eats Car: Sea Adventure, the next entry in the critically acclaimed Car Eats Car series. It should come as no surprise that the automobiles in this series are nasty and hazardous, and this game is just the same. You'll need to hop in your car and drive through several difficult and puzzling levels. Are you able to complete each level by triumphing over the antagonists?

You have captured the attention of the most deadly auto gang on the high seas, and they intend to use every resource at their disposal to bring you to justice! Your purpose in this game is to complete each level by making it to the finish line without being killed while navigating around all of these hazardous cars. You can get started in the game by simply clicking anywhere on the screen when you're on the main menu. The next thing you'll do is choose a difficulty level to play at. At the beginning, all of the levels—with the exception of the very first one—are locked, and it is up to you to unlock them one by one. At each level, a variety of hostile vehicles will pursue you and make an attempt to bite you in order to deal harm. Your vehicle is equipped with pincers, allowing you to destroy anyone who tries to stop you from advancing. You can amass bombs and then detonate them to send a resounding message to your adversaries. Do everything you can to stay alive, and don't let anything or anyone hold you back!

How To Play

How To Play Car Eats Car: Sea Adventure

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