
A Silly Journey

A Silly Journey
A Silly Journey

Participate in a thrilling journey during A Silly Journey as the protagonist faces and overcomes numerous perilous challenges. Your character needs your help to cross the finish line.

In the woods, the Mushroom Man set off on an adventure to discover something new. Loggers broke in when he was sleeping and stole his sack of gold. When he woke up, he was shocked to find that several filthy ruffians had broken into his shack and rummaged through his belongings. They must have been in a rush because the crooks left behind a few coins. Lost items must be gathered on the journey to the forest. However, many dangerous animals and lethal obstacles pose a greater risk to your life the further into the forest you venture. To move left and right, use the A and D keys, then use space to jump. Gather the necessary amount of gold to advance to the next level. How long will you live?

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