
Cannon Hero Online

Cannon Hero Online
Cannon Hero Online

Destroy every single one of your foes in Cannon Hero Online. The enemy roams the globe, wreaking havoc wherever it goes. Can you put a stop to them and preserve the planet?

They are so confident in their own diabolical genius that these thugs don't even consider you a danger to them. They do nothing but look down at you from their lofty vantage points. They need to be taught a lesson! To restore peace to the globe, you must first kill the enemies in your path. Still, caution is advised. If you flub the shot, the bomb will go off. You have already perished. Therefore, eliminate the threat before it ever has a chance to act. You can defeat them by clicking and holding the screen while aiming. Don't rush the shot; take your time aiming. Aim for the head to increase your score. If you manage to get three headshots in a row, you'll unlock Fever Mode. Along the journey, you can pick up upgrades that give you an advantage over your enemies. But they hold the upper hand. They're on top of the situation. You get how bad that sounds, man. Try to kill them with a single shot, or else you won't see your loved ones again until the afterlife. Whenever you successfully eliminate an opponent, you will be rewarded monetarily for your efforts. New playable characters are available for purchase with gold. Get a load of this!

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