
Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3
Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3, like its predecessors, is a third-person shooter with an emphasis on online multiplayer ink battles between two teams of four players each. Players can use weapons to spread ink and splat opponents in their humanoid form; in their squid- or octopus-like swim form, players can swim through ink at faster speeds, including up walls, recharge their ink tank more quickly, and hide from enemies.  Players can use their newfound mobility to better avoid harm and broaden their range of offensive options. They have two moves—the Squid Roll, in which they leap and spin out of their ink, and the Squid Surge, in which they swim fast up ink-covered walls and spring out at the top. Also, players who reach certain goals in online games, such as collecting the most ink or splats, now get medals.  To participate in online conflicts in the Splatlands, players must use a spawner drone to get to the front lines. Players can use it to aim for a specific deployment point within their team's spawn region since it floats above the stage behind each base. Selecting a deployment area sends the spawner drone into action, sending players flying in the shape of a squid or octopus, much like a Super Jump. As with the beginning of a conflict, if a player is splatted, they will respawn in the spawner drone and be launched once again.

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