

Monster School Challenges

Monster School Challenges
Monster School Challenges
ADVENTUREBOYSCLICKERminecraftfunnyadventurepuzzlepuzzlesbrainbrainingzombiezombiesboysclickerchallengenoobnoobvsproi hate this gamecraftmonstersprocraftingsuperpigmonsterkidscraftzombiefightbrainchallenge1playerschool2022

In Monster School Challenges, you can become the best student in your school! If you were always bored at school because your lessons were dull, you can now enjoy a fun school curriculum. Prepare to experience what it's like to be a student at this monstrous school!

You're in the monster's corridor, surrounded by familiar faces. This time, Noob is at school with his monster pals. He is very passionate about his subjects, so please assist him in passing all of the lessons. This game has three main games that you can play. The three games are bottle flip, parkour, and roller coaster. These games can be played with any of the characters in the class. If you fail the task, you will receive an F, and if you succeed, you will receive an A. In bottle flipping, try to land the bottle in a straight line. In parkour, you must avoid danger while running through the parkour without falling. Finally, in the roller coaster game, you must ride your cart as best you can while avoiding the TNTs. Let's see how well you do in this entertaining collection of mini-games featuring a variety of characters

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