
Inferno. Meltdown

Inferno. Meltdown
Inferno. Meltdown

You are the fireman, and it is now your turn to rescue the city from destruction. We are in need of a hero! The world is on fire, and we need someone with a true lion's heart! Become the rescuer alone by your lonesome! It's not enough to kill your enemy to be a hero; you also have to save people's lives. You have the opportunity to demonstrate that you are a rescuer of the world and a hero at this very now. You only have a limited supply of water, and the city is on fire. You need to get away from that pandemonium as quickly as possible. You may enhance your talents between levels. You may become an even more efficient fireman if you use the cash you have earned to buy some upgrades for your powers.

How To Play

How To Play Inferno. Meltdown

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