
FPS Assault Shooter

FPS Assault Shooter
FPS Assault Shooter

FPS Assault Shooter tasks you with carrying out orders to eliminate terrorists and retake regions. Take on the armed bad guys, take their heads off to finish assignments, and cash in! Get better weapons so you can take on criminal organizations. If you complete the game's main quests, you'll gain access to every map in the game.

Your nation needs any and all forms of physical assistance you can provide. We've got some jobs for you to do. The militants you're up against need to have their territory cleared of mines, bombs, and suicide bombers. Delete all evidence of terrorist bases and their underground networks to put an end to them. As the pressure mounts, it is necessary to purchase weapons and strengthen them through upgrades. It's up to you to decide how you want to attack and then equip yourself properly. At the game store, you can buy grenades and sniper weapons. Gaining access to most things requires collecting medals, which may be obtained by achieving in-game accomplishments. Remember to click on this link to access your bonuses. Extra protection can be obtained by visiting the shop or watching a commercial between levels. Once you've finished the first two chapters, which each have tens of levels, you'll gain access to a third mode with infinite play. If you want to defend your country, you'll need to be quick on your feet, able to avoid harm, and able to track down and eliminate enemies.

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